Know Some Technical Terms Related to your Digital Camera

We know how to use our digital camera but some of the terms might not be too clear to us or we don't know what the real meaning of these terminology. Take time to read its real definition below:
digital camera terminology or glossary

Automatic Mode

Automatic mode sets the exposure, white-balance and focus automatically.You might only know that it sets the focus right?

Burst Mode or Continuous Capture Mode

You're happy while using this feature I know. This is a series of pictures taken simultaneously at timed intervals with one press on the shutter button.


This is a process where unimportant data information are deleted. This is used to save the space on the memory card

Digital Zoom

I already defined this on my previous article. Difference between Digital Zoom and Optical Zoom. But for the sake of you are tired to click on my link this is simply the process of cropping and magnifying a part of an image. Learn more on my previous article.


A type of image compression format used in photography. GIF and PNG are the related image formats but JPEG is more applicable for real photograph.


This stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Ask your friends what does L-C-D means. They don't know it. I know you know that this is the screen of your camera.


This is a circular transparent plastic or glass which collects and light and focus on a sensor to capture images.

Megabyte (MB)

A unit of information which is equivalent to 1024 kilobytes. It makes our life simpler. Instead of saying "oh this picture is 2,048 kilobytes" we can say it's 2MB.


A unit of color that makes up the digital pictures. It is also used to measure digital resolution. 1 mega-pixel means you have 1 million pixels.


Means the primary color of light - Red, Green, and Blue. These are the colors combined to create all other colors on screens like LCD


This tell us the number of pixels used to create an image. This also determines the amount of detail a camera can have.

White Balance

This is the setting to compensate the type of light wheather it is a daylight, flourescent, incandescent, twilight, etc. We do a white balance to make the image look normal to our eyes.
