Is Your Navel Like This?

Have you checked your navel? Most of the people in this world forget about their navel. Navel's medical term is umbilicus and also known as the belly bottom. This was the scar left after cutting our umbilical cord when we were born. Our navel can be innie and outie. See the photo below. This is an example of an innie navel. The navel is very deep.

As you can see, it was a perfect shot. We can see that navel very well. It was emphasized because of the dark light around it. But wait! Have you noticed that thing inside that belly bottom? What was that? Something dark in color. Let's take a closer look.

this is not an asshole

Oh.. no... what is this thing?! It's like a hard liquid dark brown substance around that navel. It looks sweet? no! But who is the owner of this navel? Probably he or she forgot to clean this belly for a long time ago. Is this navel belongs to you? When did you last clean your navel? Be honest... About a year? Is this yours?

After reading this article I am sure you will check your belly bottom.
