First Step To Learn Swimming

Swimming is the best sport and I agree with that. Unlike other sports, it doesn't cause major injuries to your body. For me, this is a relax type of sport. You mind and soul is relax while in the water. Swimming is a peaceful sport for me. Every lap is like swimming in paradise.

I'm not a sporty type of person but I like to make swimming as my regular hobby. It's been more than a year now since I started to learn how to swim on my own. I swim every week and I see its benefit.

Like what I said, I learned this sports on my own. After watching videos on YouTube, listening to instructors near me, after the advice of the life guards, I learned freestyle, breast stroke, and butterfly on my own. And I'm really happy and fulfilled.

Since I learned this alone, I want to share to you the most important points before you dive in to the water.

Bubbles is the First Step

Breathing rhythm is important is swimming. Sometimes you feel little pain in your nose when you're in the water, because you didn't follow the proper breathing. Blowing bubbles is the basic step in gaining proper breathing under the water.

Blowing bubbles is as easy as inhaling air using your mouth and blowing it out in your nose or mouth. It's like inhaling above the water using your mouth and exhaling under water using your nose.

Benefit of Blowing Bubbles

This is a good routine before swimming to avoid the water getting inside your nose. This also helps your lungs to breathe more oxygen that you really need. This relaxes your body and easily recover when you're catching your breath.
